Tag Archives: Skills for Work

Climate Smarter

Yesterday we were a step closer to competing in our school Climate Smarter competition.

This session the children have been learning all about renewable energies and how the can use them to reduce our carbon footprint. They have been carrying out experiments and tasks throughout their learning. Now they are having to apply all their learning to their Big Task.

They have been challenged to:

  • design and build an Eco School model, using a set criteria,
  • create a display which details their learning,
  • give a short presentation to explain the reasons for their choices.

Yesterday we invited the classes throughout the school to the class to present our work. This gave us an opportunity to prepare for our school competition on Tuesday, when we will be presenting in front of a panel of judges. The winner of our competition will be representing our class at the Shetland competition in May. Good Luck boys and girls!