Climate Smarter

Yesterday we were a step closer to competing in our school Climate Smarter competition.

This session the children have been learning all about renewable energies and how the can use them to reduce our carbon footprint. They have been carrying out experiments and tasks throughout their learning. Now they are having to apply all their learning to their Big Task.

They have been challenged to:

  • design and build an Eco School model, using a set criteria,
  • create a display which details their learning,
  • give a short presentation to explain the reasons for their choices.

Yesterday we invited the classes throughout the school to the class to present our work. This gave us an opportunity to prepare for our school competition on Tuesday, when we will be presenting in front of a panel of judges. The winner of our competition will be representing our class at the Shetland competition in May. Good Luck boys and girls!

Shetland Youth Music Festival 2024

On Monday Primary 6/7 travelled to Lerwick to take part in the Shetland Youth Music Festival.

The children have been preparing two pieces for performance, ‘Patrick’s Reel’ and ‘ Ye Banks and Braes’. The children gave a confident performance and if they were nervous it didn’t show.

Use the link below to see their performance.

Our fiddle players were up next with a group performance of ‘Gunners March’ and ‘Mam Tamar’s Hymn’. A snippet of which can be viewed using the links below.

The piano players were then able to perform their pieces to their judges in the afternoon.

In the afternoon the children got the opportunity to take part in various workshops, such as drumming, scandi fiddle, and electric drums.

The children had a fantastic time and were a credit to the school.

Well done boys and girls.



Today we had Red Nose Day and so far we’ve sent donations and taken a photo.

This is us.  Red Nose Day is about a fundraiser that raises life changing funds to help end the cycle of poverty and ensure children are safe, healthy, educated and empowered across the world and raised money for places around the world.

The whole school has voted to wear pajamas for Red Nose Day. The options were, wear red, fancy dress and pajamas for the day.

By Harry and John James

Planetarium and World Book Day


Planetarium on tour

This week we have had a visit from the planetarium on tour from Edinburgh.

The visit was fun except from when you were moving because it made me and Bella feel motion sick and we had to look down at the ground.

I learnt lots of stuff like Pluto is not a main planet any more and there are so many galaxies.  Some stars have names. I loved seeing the stars. 

Going inside the planetarium and outside the planetarium was my favorite bit.

World Book Day

For world book day Me, Bella, Annie, Morgan and Mollie were Mr. Men. Bella was Mr. Sneeze, I was Mr. Bump, Mollie was Mr. Happy, Annie was Mr. Chatterbox and Morgan was Mr. Messy.

World Book Day was fun and we enjoyed our last one as P7.

We took part in a live lesson for World Book Day were we learned about how to recommend books and organise a library.

By Lola and Bella.


In topic we are getting ready to build are smarter climate projects the projects are for a competition. We are going to show people are projects and the best team will go to Lerwick.

Here are some of the teams are Sam, Kristopher, Sandy and Tom. Henry, Ally, John James and Geordie h. Rhona, Una, Lauryn and Lily. Danny, Harry and Benjamin.

We have four weeks to build are projects. We have to use some sort of wood in are projects. We need to have some items or we wont get the most points.

By Henry and Sam

PE peg game

This week we were at PE we played this game called the peg game. You had to clip two pegs to your T shirt. The aim of the game was to steal a peg from someone’s T shirt.

To start with every one was it and everyone  had two pegs. some people would team up and some would not and if you teamed up you would not go for the people on your teams peg when you steal the pegs you put them on you t shirt.

I would definitely play this game again it was really fun. Everyone was going for Miss Paterson it was really funny.

Our next steps are work in better teams so you can get the most pegs.

By Mollie and Una