All posts by Mrs Wishart

Being part of the community

The RVS invited some of the nursery bairns down to their meeting to share stories and do some drawing with their members.

The bairns had a good time and had a snack.

They got a lovely colouring book and pencils to take home.



Rainy day funs

We had a great time today out in the rain.  There was lots of digging,  splashing and making mud pies.  We even had a look at the forecast on Mrs Wishart’s phone to see if it would ever stop raining!

Busy bairns!

Walk to the shop

Today we walked to the shop for our weekly snack shopping.

We got to choose our fruit and vegetables and helped to push the trolley.  Mrs Williamson paid and we walked up the hill back to nursery.

We saw lots of bumblebees and enjoyed watching them buzz between the flowers.

When we got back to nursery we unpacked the shopping and put it away.  We made good healthy choices.