A maximum of 28 children can be catered for during the day. The Nursery class operates during the normal school session and follows school holidays, in-service training days etc. Registration week is usually in February. Registration forms can be collected from the Nursery or school office.
For information on Nursery provision in Shetland and how to enroll your child please follow the link below:
Early Years Learning and Childcare Information
Nursery Times
Tingwall Nursery offers weekly sessions from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm each day. Outwith these times Nursery staff are involved in preparation, planning, consultation, assessment, evaluation and record keeping.
At Tingwall Nursery we aim to:-
– Value and respect each child as an individual
– Provide a safe, caring, stimulating environment where children feel happy and secure
– Develop a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding with parents, valuing them as the child’s first educator and linking the child’s experiences in the home with those at Early Years, building on previous skills and learning.
– Encourage the development of positive attitudes to self and others and develop confidence and self esteem through encouragement, praise and consideration.
– Extend the children’s abilities to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways
– Have fun learning through play
The Curriculum
Your child will come to us with lots of valuable learning experiences which have been gained through family life, with friends, relatives and in other early years settings. We endeavour to broaden these experiences and to create a positive atmosphere where our children are encouraged to become, in line with Curriculum For Excellence 3 – 18:
1 Confident Individuals
- By valuing their contributions and nurturing their self-esteem
- By encouraging them to always give of their best
- By promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
2 Successful Learners
- By providing an appropriate curriculum which follows HMIE guidelines
- By encouraging enthusiasm and motivation for learning.
3 Effective Contributors
- By valuing the pupils and their parents/carers and acknowledging their contributions
- By giving children the skills to communicate using a variety of media
- By providing critical thinking, problem solving and creative activities.
4 Responsible Citizens
- By encouraging the children to develop respect for the needs and the feelings of others
- By providing an environment which ensures total integration and equal opportunities.
This is done through the following subjects:-
Social Subjects. R.M.E.
Helping your child to make friends and get on with other children, encouraging his/her sense of responsibility, consideration for others, independence, confidence and self-control.
- Provide opportunities for children to express their own feelings while appreciating the feelings of others.
- Investigate people and places in the local area.
- Encouraging your child to improve communication by listening and talking, enjoying stories, rhymes and songs and using books for information.
- Experimenting with marks on paper and looking at the printed word in the world around them.
Science and technology
- Through all activities in the Nursery, children will be looking at and noticing things, using the five senses to explore and discover about the world, the weather, plants, animals, people and places in the local area.
- Developing use of technology – cameras, computers, programmable toys etc.
Expressive Arts
- Giving your child opportunities to experiment with a variety of materials in craft activities and music, encouraging the child to be creative and expressive and awakening in him a growing awareness and appreciation of beauty.
- Act out real life situations through pretend play.
- Helping your child to find out about number, measurement and shape at a level he/she can understand.
Health and Wellbeing
- Here we help your child develop, at a time of rapid physical and mental development, motor skills and co-ordination through games and physical activities. Indoor and outdoor activities are arranged to provide opportunities to run, climb, hop, skip and jump to develop large motor skills, while fine motor skills are developed through games and activities involving threading, cutting, drawing, making jigsaws, using small tools etc.
- Become aware of the importance of hygiene, health and fitness.
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