I had just gotten my green mohawk done at the hairdressers. I was going home when I heard two echoing voices in my head. One of them was saying I looked like a kiwi and the other was laughing. Just then I saw this nice house with a snow globe collection in the window, so I walked inside. I could now see a poster collection and a plate on the floor. The first voice called it something I won’t care to mention. I walked over and picked a book from a nearby bookshelf and sat on a bed, beginning to read. It doesn’t matter if there’s someone in the bed, am I right…? Or am I right? Just then a blue haired girl ran over and told me to leave. The first voice said, ‘Well don’t look so surprised!’ Behind the blue haired girl was a pink haired girl setting the stove on fire. Then the blue haired girl walked away, said she was excited to go to work, broke a television and attempted to fix it. She succeeded without being electrocuted. I was in shock! What kind of a household is this, where you can’t walk in without asking and read a book?! I stomped away, spilling over the dustbin as I went.
In case you’re wondering, this is a bit like a montage of the fun me and Morton had playing The Sims 4. The blue haired girl is my character, the black haired girl is Vaila’s and the pink haired girl is Morton’s.
Morton erzählte Mir Von ihm XD