Numeracy Week Outdoor Learning


This week is ‘numeracy week’ at Sound Primary School, today for outdoor learning the adults were encouraging learners to notice number and beyond number learning in the outdoors. The class enjoyed exploring and playing in the wildlife area and for our group time Mrs Sjoberg encouraged us to use ‘positional language’ – we were pointing out our right and left, sitting ‘on’ top of something, lying ‘next’ to something, going ‘under’ something, climbing ‘over’ something.

Children’s voice:

‘This puddle is making splashing sounds, and the mud is ‘squelching’. The child then told Mrs Sjoberg how to segment these words using their phonics knowledge. ‘S-P-L-A-SH’

‘This stick is longer than his stick… My stick is shorter, if I add this stick too with cellotape then it is longer than his’.

‘I am jumping in ‘muddy’ puddles, my boots have mud on them’… ‘I can spell mud, M-U-D’.

‘I feel safe because this part was slippery on the tree so I am moved to this bit.’

‘Look this tree still has – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7… leaves on it, I wonder if they will be there next week or falled off?’

‘This acorn baby looks like a ‘c’ (child then showed me the action for ‘c’ and sang the ‘c’ song).

WE LOVE OUTDOOR LEARNING! (Especially on a rainy day!)

Outdoor Learning – Term 2 Week 2

Pupil Voice:

‘This is the bonfire, wir needing some more rocks to go aroond it.’

‘We are need a fire lighter… we dunna have one lets use two sticks and rub them together’.

‘We can grab onto this with both hands and left our feet up and swing across to the other side’.

‘I am like a koala in the tree, hanging down from my arms and legs’.

Lots of role play in the wildlife area today, bonfire and den making as well as creating games in the trees. When it rained we hid in the den of trees and read the story ‘Where the wild things are’ then we revised our phonics sounds and blended some sounds to read words.

Curriculum Information Term 2

Please find the term 2 curriculum information:

Term 2 2023-24

Our IDL topical learning will be road safety and festivals/celebrations. If you have any time to share in expertise in this area you are most welcome into our classroom.

Please can learners return home learning folders and diaries daily to school so these can be updated regularly with new phonics sounds. We will be performing a play this term called ‘The Little Blue Star’ your child may come home with lines to learn. They will be supported with this in school too.

Looking forward to a busy exciting term 2!

Term 2

Primary 1A have been using paper to make ‘laptops’ and shown lots of interest in role playing ‘offices’. Luckily, we were given an old monitor and keyboard as well as two phones so pupils created an office in the classroom. Post it’s have provided lots of mark making opportunities, taking phone orders and messages and exploring the outdoor space with note making.

Mrs Sjoberg collected a huge box of conkers on holiday, we’ve been painting some, ordering by size, using them to count and some pupils chose to make numbers and phonemes using them. Lastly, we are getting quicker at ordering our human numberline and are so good at communicating with each other whilst supporting each other to get into the correct order.

So happy to see the pupils back in class after the holidays and so engaged in their play.

Shetland Youth Orchestra Performance

We were treated to a performance by the Shetland Youth Orchestra last week in the Sound Hall. The orchestra is made up of children from all over Shetland including both primary and secondary, and their musical talents are amazing!

We were introduced to all the different instrument families including brass, woodwind, strings and percussion. We listened to a mixture of music including classical, swing and even a theme tune or too. We particularly liked the Wallace and Grommit theme tune which they played as we were leaving the hall.

What a very enjoyable way to spend a Friday afternoon!

Outdoor Learning

Primary 1A really enjoyed their first experience of outdoor learning in the wildlife area.

We are focusing on enjoying risky play safely, pupils enjoyed tree climbing, den building and scavenging. We are learning to dress appropriately for outdoor education which includes water proofs, high vis and welly boots. They decided on some key priorities: wear the right clothes, stay safe with your hands and feet, be kind to growing things, have fun and explore!

Pupil quotes about outdoor learning: 

‘I love the smell of the grass and the trees’, ‘I loved climbing the tree, I felt like an explorer’ ‘being outside makes me feel happy inside!’.


Dough Challenges!

We love playing with dough in Primary 1!

Dough play is so beneficial to our fine motor, finger and hand strength and our imaginations and creativity.

Today, after a dough disco the class wanted to make ‘s’ with our playdough as it is our first phonics sound. We used our fingers to roll the dough long before creating the shape of a ‘s’, the class began suggesting words that have the ‘s’ sound in them.

We ended our dough time with a dough challenge, to make an item or a character and to create a story around them. We had a super hero snail, a snowman from the North Pole who was confused when it was Christmas, a unicorn in search of a chocolate factory and even a Mrs Sjoberg who was looking for her lost class. Lots of positive listening and talking skills as well as a whole lot of fun.


Exploring learning through play, curiosity and the outdoors.

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