Pupil Voice:
‘This is the bonfire, wir needing some more rocks to go aroond it.’
‘We are need a fire lighter… we dunna have one lets use two sticks and rub them together’.
‘We can grab onto this with both hands and left our feet up and swing across to the other side’.
‘I am like a koala in the tree, hanging down from my arms and legs’.
Lots of role play in the wildlife area today, bonfire and den making as well as creating games in the trees. When it rained we hid in the den of trees and read the story ‘Where the wild things are’ then we revised our phonics sounds and blended some sounds to read words.
Please find the term 2 curriculum information:
Term 2 2023-24
Our IDL topical learning will be road safety and festivals/celebrations. If you have any time to share in expertise in this area you are most welcome into our classroom.
Please can learners return home learning folders and diaries daily to school so these can be updated regularly with new phonics sounds. We will be performing a play this term called ‘The Little Blue Star’ your child may come home with lines to learn. They will be supported with this in school too.
Looking forward to a busy exciting term 2!
Exploring learning through play, curiosity and the outdoors.