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Literacy Session – Wednesday 8th March 2017

We had a very busy literacy session this morning. We had 4 stations with groups rotating around each.

The stations today were:

  • Reading with Mrs Bray, Mrs Anderson or Colin
  • Playdoh – SMUHA inspired!
  • Teach Your Monster to Read
  • Spelling

We had lots of creative galleys to photograph. This was a very relaxing activity and all the pupils enjoyed it.

Thank you to our lovely parent helpers. Without helpers we would not be able to do this each week.

What we think of our literacy sessions:

“I love the surprise activity each week.”

“I like that we get to see our friends in P2/3.”

“We do lots of learning.”

“It is good to do lots of spelling.”

“I like that we can have our parents coming in to help.”

“It is good for Mam to see what we were are doing in class.”

“It is good to have a surprise to look forward to.”

“I love that we all get a turn on the laptops each week.”

P2/3 Class Assembly

We would like to say a huge thank you to parents and families who were able to  come to our assembly today.  We know that it is not always possible for everyone to come.  Thank you  for all the support from parents in learning lines and song words too.

We began our assembly with ‘Welcome Everybody’ from an  upbeat welcoming song which all the pupils and staff joined in with – and maybe some parents too – it is hard not to!

We then shared what we have been learning about Islam,  as part of our RME curriculum  – click on our parents web to find out more about our RME this term or feel free to ask Mrs A or Mrs B.


Next we  shared a movie of us participating in our Fresh 15 minutes of exercise everyday.  This movie was a lot of fun to make….and  watch!  Our Fresh 15 minutes of activity each days helps us to have healthier bodies and minds which helps us learn better at school.  It’s win-win all round!

We finished off our assembly with another Fischy Music song – ‘I feel good’.  It’s a cracker as well, acknowledging the different emotions we go through.

We really enjoyed our assembly and hope you did too.  The pupils all showed how their confidence is growing in speaking on stage (with microphones!) to a whole hall full of people!  Amazing. 🙂

Well done P2/3

Learning about Islam

Thank you Ashley!


P2/3  have really enjoyed our 3 sessions with Ashley learning about Islam. We have had such a great time and the pupils can’t wait to share some of this with you on Thursday at our class assembly.

We like to take two photos in class, a nice then a silly/crazy one.



Happy Holidays from P2/3!

We have enjoyed meeting Santa today and all received really cool books.  Thank you Santa.

We have been busy in mandarin today!

shèng dàn   kuài lè

圣   诞     快 乐

Merry  Christmas! 

Thank you Mrs Zhang for sharing your knowledge about China and mandarin in such a fun and postive way.










This final photo was taken last week – with our tigers that we made!  Rrrooooooaaaaarrrrrr!!!!!