Our topic this term has been India.
We’ve been learning about:
- The geography of India
- Key facts about India
- Comparing India to Scotland and Shetland
- The contrast between rich and poor in India
- Fair Trade and how it helps people make a living.
One of our activities was to “work” for 20 minutes making paper bags to sell to shopkeepers for their spices. Making 10 bags earned 1 rupee. It was sticky, messy and very hard work!
Once we had done the calculations, most groups managed to keep their family alive for one day… but only just. (See pictures below.)
Primary 7 are the proud owners of their new leavers hoodies. Thanks to LHD for printing.
There’s a few photos below that capture everyone in the class. It was hard to get everyone together for one photo.
They look great!
Term 3 overview
Now that Term 3 is truly underway, snow or not, I’ve copied the Overview for P7s work this term.
Please click on the link above to see it.
A paper copy will be handed out next week as well.
Many thanks
Mrs T
Hi Primary 7
If you’ve had enough of playing in the snow, here are a few ideas to keep you busy. For ease of access, I’ve also put this message on our class Team. The homework grid can be found in the “Homework” section of our Class Notebook.
- French Pencil Case vocabulary (See P7 Team’s message)
- Sumdog “Snow days Challenge.” Log in Sumdog to start the Challenge
- Highland Clearances Topic Homework grid (In your Homework section of our class Notebook, as well as a link to it below.)
- Snow Art ideas from Mrs Paul ( (In your Homework section of our class Notebook, as well as a link to it below.)
Art snow days – p5-7
Hope you are all doing well.
Mrs T
Primary 7 have been studying Japan this term, comparing it to Shetland and Scotland.
We have done many activities with lots of interesting discussions.
The photos show:
- Our kimono designs.
- Our Manga drawings.
Still to complete before the end of term are:
- Making sushi
- Japanese calligraphy
- Japanese origami.
Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site