All posts by gw22laurensonmargare@glow

January 2024 STEM Learning

Primary 5 have been exploring the BBC micro:bits that we have recently received. The website “make code” editor has been really useful to follow and help us learn how to code. So far we have programmed the  hardware to make a name badge, picture and a tune.


We have also been learning about how wind turbines work. We made our own wind turbines using: card, string, a straw, a cup, a skewer and tape. We used a hairdryer to create the wind and saw how this can be used to transfer wind energy into kinetic energy.



October and November 2023

House Teams – STEM Challenge

Our whole school STEM challenge involved all pupils across all 4 “houses”.  This one shows some of the children making a game out of basic resources.  They worked well together as a team to make a catapult to launch the frog onto its lily pad.  Younger and older children mixed together to share skills and ideas to meet their targets.

Inclusive Culture

As part of our Health and Well-being lessons, Primary 5 have been thinking about how to help create a more inclusive culture for the school.  We spoke about some words to get a better understanding of what they mean, like culture, inclusion, misunderstood, alone.  Then we spoke about some tricky playground situations that might happen, and what ideas we had to improve things for everyone.  Finally we designed posters to put up and help remind us of our approach.  Here are 2 examples.


We have started exploring how to created animations.  There are so many different areas of the curriculum that we can bring together in this learning.  Click on the text below to see one of our first steps into the world on animation.

Animated Drawings



Term 1 – Super Scientists

The first term back has gone by in a flash.  Primary 5 have settled really well into the classroom routines and have been working hard.

This term we are learning about the topic “Super Scientists”.  We have been exploring how different scientists have changed our world.  These scientist have come from all over our planet, yes even Shetland, and have been dedicated to helping others and developing new things.  Through their hard work, our lives are improved.

We have explored the possibility of gender bias or stereotypes in our world of work, and know that it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like to be a scientists.  You just need to work hard.

With every scientist we have learned about, we have tried to work on practical experiments like they have explored.  We have drawn up and followed a plan to make electrical circuits…

We have tested substances to check for any reactions…

We have even made and flown rockets…

We have been really busy!  Of course we have also been developing our writing skills, numeracy and lots of other things too.  No wonder the term has gone by so quickly.

Aith Trip

Primary 5 voted the Aith Trip as their top highlight of Primary 5.  The climbing wall was a huge hit with pupils as well as getting a chance to really explore all the interesting things in Michaelswood.  Some pupils even managed to find the hidden cow.

Lots of energy was used when running around, swimming and bouncing about on the bouncy castle.