P4/5 enjoyed learning all about electricity from Generation Science. They learned about circuits, electrons, how electricity is made and were able to conduct their own experiments. At the end they charged up hex bugs in their groups to have a race. A super afternoon! 🙂
All posts by Miss Thomason
Drumming with Joy Duncan
Primary 5 have really enjoyed opportunities to engage in African Drumming with Joy Duncan. They have worked hard on complicated rhythms and have created wonderful music.
Outdoor Learning
Kate Hookham worked with classes in April . P5 enjoyed learning about different knots to tie and secure rope and attach tarp to make a basic shelter.
Term 4 Curriculum Overview
Hello Everyone,
It’s been lovely to have the bairns back in school and we’ve made a productive start to a busy term.
Term 4 Curriculum Overviews are in schoolbags today.