Ancient Egypt plays

Primary 5 worked with a partner to come up with a short play based on their learning so far around Ancient Egypt.

The videos are all unlisted  so only accessible to watch if you have the link.

What a super effort from Primary 5!

Poppy & Larkin – Ancient Egypt P & L

Poppy, Lily & Hanna – Ancient Egypt P, L & H

Lilly & Jack – Ancient Egypt L & J

Aidan & Isla – Ancient Egypt A & I

Sadie & Demi – Ancient Egypt S & D

Ian-Henry & Imogen – Ancient Egypt IH & I

Ruby & Kevin – Ancient Egypt R & K

Magnus & Teejay – Ancient Egypt M & T

Aodee & Zoe – Ancient Egypt A & Z


Term 3 so far…

What a super start to Term 3!

January saw the Scalloway Fire Festival fun start us off and we were delighted to see our very own Viking in the mix! There’s been lots of problem solving challenges in the classroom and some DIY boats floating in the sink. Also a mucky pup after playtime!!

So far February has brought more learning about Ancient Egypt. The class enjoyed an afternoon of being Pharaohs and slaves – we had some very creative pharaohs! This week, we started off our mummification focus by mummifying various fruits and vegetables in salt and baking soda.

Term 2 fun

What a busy term 2 it’s been in Primary 5!

Just some of our learning shown below:

  • a park trip as a treat for earning all the marbles in their marble jar for persevering and trying their best in class
  • Nikola Tesla inspired radios
  • triangle madness hunting around the school and creating own triangles with play dough
  • solar powered LEDs
  • Secret Santa present swap
  • Johnnie Notions visit from Shetland Museum

Roll on Term 3  fun!

Happy holidays when they come!
Miss Barradas 🙂

Term 1 update!

Some pictures of Term 1 activities in Primary 5. Ranging from place value games and our new favourite flippy, floppy fingers in maths, all the way to lots of science experiments and gravity defying STEM challenges!

It was a busy Term 1!

Generation Science Visit

P4/5 enjoyed learning all about electricity from Generation Science. They learned about circuits, electrons, how electricity is made and were able to conduct their own experiments. At the end they charged up hex bugs in their groups to have a race.  A super afternoon! 🙂

January 2024 STEM Learning

Primary 5 have been exploring the BBC micro:bits that we have recently received. The website “make code” editor has been really useful to follow and help us learn how to code. So far we have programmed the  hardware to make a name badge, picture and a tune.


We have also been learning about how wind turbines work. We made our own wind turbines using: card, string, a straw, a cup, a skewer and tape. We used a hairdryer to create the wind and saw how this can be used to transfer wind energy into kinetic energy.



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