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Transition Turriefield Visit

LastĀ  Tuesday Primary 1,2 and 4 walked to Transition Turriefield in Sandness to find out about local businesses and learn about how a market garden works. The children were shown all the different areas of the gardens including the big compost heaps and helped with preparing the carrots for sale to shops and reataurants.

We dug up carrots. We put them inĀ  a wheelbarrow and wheeled them up to the shed. We trimmed the leaves We washed them. We dried them. We weighed them. We bagged them. We labelled them. We put them in a box at the side of the road for people to buy using the honesty box.

We brought some back to school to eat.

Mill Visit

Yesterday Primary 1,2 and 4 went to the Sandness Mill to see how jumpers get made. Our topic is Sandness so we were finding out about our village.

First, when they take the wool off the sheep it goes to the mill. The wool is washed. The Shetland word for wool is ‘oo.’ The wool goes in a giant washing machine – it’s the height of our classroom, and we think it is even longer than our room, maybe into the gym hall! Next, it goes into a giant tumble drier. Next, they dye it – we loved that part! Then it gets pulled and carded. It is spun and twisted to make it strong. Then it gets put on a cone for knitting machines, with oil for the machine, or it gets washed and made into balls!

We also saw jumpers being made and made a visit to the shop where we chose our favourite colours of wool. We are going to make a wool shop in our classroom!

Thank you to everyone at the mill who made our visit so interesting!

Bugs, Bugs and Bugs

We had another fantastic outdoor science lesson with Mr Rose. Using pouters, we explored our school grounds to see what different types of mini beasts called it home. We were quite surprised just how many we found! We even found a ‘Garlic Snail’ and yes, it really did smell of garlic.


Working together.

Primary 1-3 and 4-7 all worked together to plant some seeds to grow some herbs ready to sell at the school’s annual CCC (car wash, car boot, cafe) on Friday 15th June. The children used the knowledge they have learnt during their science lessons about what a plant needs to grow to help these herbs thrive. They also used this opportunity to recycle some plastic bottles, using them as planters. So far, they have planted chives, parsley, coriander, chilliesĀ  and mint.

What good friends.

On Friday, 2 of our lovely ladies noticed one of their classmates was all alone in the playground and just as good friends do, they went to see if their pal wanted to play. All was happy in the play ground. The girls show offĀ  their ‘I am a good friend’ stickers they were awarded.


Wildflowers with Mr Rose

Last week as part of Mr Rose’s lessons we went on a little walk up past the school and the church. We looked at all the beautiful wild flowers that grow in Sandness and we used a very old Wild Flower Encyclopedia to identify the flowers and categorised them into colours and number of petals.We even ate some too!

Our Dynamite Words

The children have been looking at Pop Art and how the artist ‘Lichtenstein’ was influenced by his love of comic books. The children thought how words in comic books impact on the reader to give a sense of how loud a ‘Bang’ is. With this in mind P1-3 created their own ‘Dynamite’ words using this style.