Our Dynamite Words

The children have been looking at Pop Art and how the artist ‘Lichtenstein’ was influenced by his love of comic books. The children thought how words in comic books impact on the reader to give a sense of how loud a ‘Bang’ is. With this in mind P1-3 created their own ‘Dynamite’ words using this style.



This week the school got a new pupil. Bearamy Bear has come to join Primary 1-3 and we are making sure he is well looked after. We are using the SHANARRI indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active,  Respected, Responsible and Included) to show how we take care of him at school and at home with our families.



Primary 1 and 3 have been rumbled! It turns out that they need re-introducing to soap, to go with the water they (supposedly) wash their hands with!!

Watch this space, there’s a special bacteria identifying hand washing monster on its way! and it eats dirty hands!!!

Time for a demonstration.

Phew! Their hands are clean!