
Some photos from the term so far.

P1-3 s playing Pictionary and houses

Alice and Alex came back to record our eagle songs and make eagle nests.

We had a call with Bethany from the Island schools project (with whom we did the Messages in a Bottle. She is helping  us with writing about our vision of a sustainable future for Shetland.

Mr Ben

Does anyone remember the TV series Mr Ben? He goes into a costume shop changing room and when he comes out he is in the world of that costume. P1-3 have been trying costumes and dreaming up some adventures to go on. We can use these ideas for our writing later.


This week we learnt about the cycling snake – pupils in a single line behind the leader. When the leader shouts double we all get into pairs, then back to single on instruction. We have to pass the instructions down the line. This all helps us to keep safe on the road

Message in a bottle

This week we learnt that the Earth is warming up as Greenhouse gases build up around the planet. We wrote messages to the world leaders meeting in Glasgow in November for COP 26. We will send them with plastic bottles to be made into a sculpture.

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