All posts by Mrs Ritchie


We have been doing athletics in PE.  We started each week with a distance run, building up form 5 minutes to 10 minutes to develop our stamina for sports day.  We also worked on sprinting, throwing, jumping and hurdles, which I think was the classes favourite.



P6 have been playing volleyball in PE.  A couple of highlights of the block have been working our skills using balloons and playing a team game where we moved on and off the court.  This game encouraged quick movement and tactical play.  It became highly competitive, with everyone working really hard to score their team points.

Unfortunately I have no pictures, but the class worked really hard at all the tasks.

Table Tennis

We have been doing table tennis in PE.  We started working on the floor, progressing to across benches and finally finishing the block on the tables.  The main points we focused on were our grip of the bat and the position of the bat when we hit the ball.  We did find it quite a tricky sport, especially trying to get the ball to bounce on the table.

Gymnastics Week 6

This was our last week of gymnastics.  The class have loved this block, especially the equipment.  We have seen lots and lots of learning taking place including balance and control, co-ordination, gross motor skills, core stability, strength, flexibility, stamina and confidence, as well as less obvious aspects like respect and tolerance, decision making and prioritising.  The class have worked extremely hard with lots of new skills being learned.

Here we are exploring this weeks equipment.

Gymnastics week 5

P6 were happy to see the trampette out this week.  This is a miniature trampoline that you use like a springboard.  The pupil steps on and jumps off showing a 1 foot-2 feet-2 feet foot pattern.  Other changes included a double bar, a high bench, a high ladder, obstacles on the beam, the springboard beside our long box and the wide box was another block higher.

Here we are in action.


Week 2 of the equipment saw a different set up for the pupils to explore.  The main differences were we had the ropes out, included a change of direction, the wide box was slightly higher and the bench up to the long box was flat and lower.

Here are some pictures of us working.


P6 have been doing gymnastics in PE.  So far we have had 2 weeks on mat skills and 1 week on all the apparatus.  Our focus is on flexibility and creativity.

We have learnt that we will perform skills easier and with better technique, the more  flexible we are.  Some examples are stepping into a handstand or cartwheel, in our shapes tuck, pick, star, straddle and straight and on the bar when taking our feet up to or through our hands.

Creativity – When using the equipment we try to use a variety of ways to travel across, on, along, over and off.  We are also looking for flair, originality and imagination .

Here are some pictures from the block so far.