Outdoor Education

What a fantastic two days we have had exploring the Ness of Burgi.  We learned about lichens and rocks as we completed a challenging scramble along the shore.   Our school value of determination was certainly evident as we traversed the rocks, even moving through a blow hole!

We collaborated together on some fantastic sculptures which were inspired by the day!

Well done Primary 7!

Uke Can Play!

P7 have been learning about the Ukulele this term. They have learned the tuning of the instrument G, C, E, A and how to strum and pluck individual strings. They have also learned about reading music on the musical staff using the acronym Every Good Boy Deserves Fun for the notes on the lines and the word FACE for the notes which fall in the spaces. They have learned a piece of music called ‘Open String Jam’ and also composed their own piece of music using their knowledge of note values and the open strings.


In PE we did a 4 week block of skipping.  The main focus was to develop our own ability.  The first stage was to improve our basic skip.  Next we could try some different jumps and steps like jumping jacks, hopping and more.  We also added in partner skipping, where we tried to jump in time building up to holding each others rope.  Finally we finished with long rope skipping in groups.


Last week P7 were collaborating on the creation of floating wind turbine models.  A lot of problem solving went into the design.  Our young engineers came up with brilliant ways to hold the turbines in place with some groups adding anchors and others building stabilisers.

At the start of the lesson learners decided to focus on two metaskills – collaboration and creativity.