After our introduction to different types of computer hardware, earlier in the term, we have started to learn about coding.

Today we worked hard to code our Microbits into pedometers to track our step counts.  There was a lot of discussion around which improvements we could make as, after outside testing, we realised there were a few flaws in our code.  We had fun measuring perimeters and distances around our school, using our step count.  Bunny hops were the most effective!





This week we are further investigating leaves.  We made some slides so we could look at leaf material under the microscope.  We pushed our curiosity, experimenting with petals amd different plant materials.

We have also been learning about food chains and food webs.  We made some food chains and webs in the playground, thinking carefully about producers, primary and secondary consumers.  We focused on collaboration, we had to work closely together to make a functional food chain.



Just a quick note to say that reading books have started to go home in school bags.  New reading will be written on a marker in the book.  Reading will be sent home regularly throughout the year.