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Visit to Taing House – Inter-Generational Activity

We visited Taing House Day Care on Friday.  We were invited along to make garden ornaments with the service users.  We chose our equipment and created our own tin person.  We met new people and family members and enjoyed juice and biscuits too!  We focused on our communication and creativity meta skills.  It was fun!  As a thank you, we wrote letters to Mrs Friedlander and her team.  We’ve been invited back, hopefully leading up to Christmas time.  We’re looking forward to that.


Welcome to Primary 5!


I’m excited to be teaching Primary 5 this year!  Hope everyone has had a nice Summer break.

Just thought I’d let you know when our specialist teachers visit P5:

P.E. – Mondays

Music – Wednesdays

Art – Thursdays

Teacher Led P.E. – Tuesdays

Curriculum Information will be available by the end of the week.

Miss Smith



Music and Storytelling

This term in music, P4 have been learning about how music can tell a story and the important role it plays in enhancing a story by driving the plot, revealing characters or expressing a theme. We listened and appraised four different songs from four different Disney animations and we concluded that music was an essential element in each film. Without music, there would be no story!

In the clip below, you can see the class reading and performing the rhythms of crotchets (ta), quavers (ti-ti), crotchet rests (shh) and whole rests (shh-shh-shh-shh). They not only had to understand and play the rhythms, they also had to read and perform drum notation.

Here is a link to the play along that we used:

And here is our class performance:

MTA Kits – Towers

We got the chance to use the MTA kits again and this time we built towers. We have been learning about castles as part of our IDL project. We learned that castles had to be strong to defend against attacks. We also learned that they had to be tall, so that you can see for a long distance from the top. We all came up with such different ideas!








MTA Kits

We were very lucky to have Eleanor from the UHI visit us with her MTA kits. These are large engineering kits. We used them to make lots of different shapes. We discovered that triangles are the most structurally strong shape. We adapted other shapes we had made to include triangles to stop them collapsing. We worked in groups and used our team work skills.