January 29, 2021
by Mrs Irvine
Hello Everyone,
The new paper pack will be available to collect form the P1/2 door on Monday morning 9.30-10.30 or the school porch later in the day.
There are activities set out in weekly pockets for numeracy and literacy, with additional sheets for health and well being, craft and other activities that are explained on the weekly grids.
** Update** The number line maths activity for P2, sheet 2, only has a number line to 15. Please use the number line in your pack if you need to and write the answer. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have included a cover letter with log in information and a break down of the weekly activities for each area.
I really enjoy seeing pictures of the children’s achievements, so please remember to email me pictures so I can provide feedback.
Here are this weeks activities;
Grid for Week beginning 1st Feb: Primary 1 and 2 Home Learning Grid 1st Feb
Additional information for art: Art Activity
Enjoy the week ahead!
Mrs Irvine