Ollaberry Primary School

Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

March 7, 2022
by User deactivated

Health and Well Being Survey P5-P7

Shetland Islands Council is planning to ask all pupils in P5 to S6 to take part in a survey about their health and wellbeing. The findings will help Shetland Islands Council to understand the needs, strengths and possible concerns of children and young people, which will help plan future improvements to local services. Parents will receive a letter providing more detailed information about the Census, and the opportunity to let us know if they do not wish for their child to take part. For more information please visit: www.shetland.gov.uk/schools

January 24, 2022
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Shared Reading in P1-4

P1-4 are enjoying sharing books.

We spend time reading the book on Monday and look at different aspects of the text each day of the week.

We have fun playing with story sacks linking to the books and complete literacy activities.


December 9, 2021
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Term 2

Literacy and Numeracy / Maths in P1-4. 

P1-4 have been busy this term!

We have been learning about measure in maths. Everyone has enjoyed exploring all the different ways we measure length, weight and capacity.

P1 have had great fun taking part in different initial sounds activities and play.

Here are photos of some of our recent activities.

November 17, 2021
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Book Week Scotland

As part of Book Week Scotland (15th – 21st November), Primary 1, 2, and 3 have received book bags and play resources from the Scottish Book Trust.

We had great fun reading ‘Arlo The lion who couldn’t sleep’ and making lions in class. We hope you are enjoying sharing the stories at home.

September 28, 2021
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Two Tortoises!

Leigh surprised P1-4 with a visit from her two tortoises Izzy and Jessie. We loved seeing tortoises up close. Everyone was very excited and P1-4 were very gentle. P1-4 asked lots of interesting questions about tortoises and what they need to stay happy. Thank you Leigh for bringing your special pets in to show us!


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