Ollaberry Primary School

Just another blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Shetland site

August 31, 2020
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Outdoor Classroom

P5-7 are taking advantage of the nice weather and learning outside whenever we can.

Both art lessons this term have taken place outside. We have also eaten snack and lunch outside nearly every day.

Here are some photos from last week when we did our reading out at the picnic tables.





August 28, 2020
by User deactivated

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Today we went on a bear hunt

First we went through the long wavy grass

Swishy, Swashy

The deep cold river

Splash, Splosh

Thick oozy mud

Squelch, Squerch

The big dark forest

Stumble, Trip

Swirling whirling snowstorm

Hoooo Woooo

Finally the narrow gloomy cave


UH OH we met the bear


August 25, 2020
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow

Daily Mile

P5-7 are taking part in the Daily Mile each morning.

We do laps around the multicourt. The bairns are welcome to run, walk, skip or do anything they want!

Sometimes the class like to run fast, other times they walk around chatting to their friends. It’s a great way to start the day.

August 19, 2020
by gw14petersonjennamic@glow
1 Comment

P5 – 7 Maths Scavenger Hunt!

P5 – 7 are learning about multiplication and division this term. They completed a maths scavenger hunt this afternoon in groups.

The groups had to work out the answers to each question and find the matching letter clue. They were hidden all over the school grounds!

All the groups did a great job working together to solve the puzzle. The secret code said….’We love maths!’

Nature Self Portraits

August 19, 2020 by gw14petersonjennamic@glow | 0 comments







It has been great being all together again as a class. Everyone has been to happy to be back at school.

P5 – 7 have enjoyed lots of outside learning this week.

On Tuesday we collected different natural materials and used them to create our own self portraits – they are fantastic! The class found lots of different textures and colours from around the school grounds to make their pictures.


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