A lot of the time the teachers put out toys and fun things for us because we have been playing with other things or asking questions, and they think that a new toy or something different will help us have even more exciting play. But sometimes they just put something out because they haven’t had it out of the cupboard for a while. That’s why the beads came out…
They got a big surprise when almost the whole nursery gathered around them and we had to have lots of practice at sharing and taking turns! Some of us tried to make really long chains of beads using any size, type and colour. Other people tried to match colours or sizes or make special types of jewellery. We had lots of kings and queens and princesses with fancy crowns. And of course lots of us made snakes and worms too.
It was fun to look at and compare the sizes of the strings of beads we all made and it can be tricky for little fingers so it made everyone concentrate and work hard to make what they wanted. The teachers are working hard to help us to try things for ourselves, even if we are finding them a bit difficult. A few of us wanted the teachers to string our beads for us but we are learning it is far more fund when we have managed it all by ourselves.
The teachers noticed that we were all speaking a lot about colours so they used it as a time to check how good we all were at remembering them – especially the people going to school after the summer. Some people noticed that the teachers were scribbling things down so wanted to show how much they knew. It was fun sharing what we have learned and being able to use it when we are playing.