The wild weather has made our outside area a bit messy and dirty so everyone mucked in to help sweep, tidy and wash it today. Thank good ness it was so sunny!
Lots of the children are able to put their shoes and smucks on the correct feet but sometimes we forget and sometimes it is just easier to ask a grown up to do it for you. All the bairns have been practicing hard to remember to try for themselves and they have done well. Here are just two of them.
Lots of imaginative play still – here are Michael and Fraser in their boat with a till, a hard hat and a magic stick!
Finally for today – we are still looking at mushrooms and have been cutting them up. We are going to buy some from the shop to try for snack next week.
Elsah said: “I’m cutting up the mushrooms and playing. Some of them are poisonous so we don’t eat them.”