Happyhansel Early Years

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Feed the Birds


The weather has been getting a little bit better and we are starting to notice more signs that spring is on the way but some of the children have been wondering what the birds eat and if we can help them.

We had a talk about it at Together Time and when we were reading a book about spring at Story Time and we decided to make some bird feeders. It was a bit yucky making them and we liked some of the stuff we put in but definitely wouldn’t have liked it for our snack when it was all mixed up!

We put lots of different seeds in so that lots of different birds would like them, and put some juicy raisins in too as birds like to eat fruit and berries. The fat helps it to stick together and we know that fat is an important thing to eat when you are growing and the birds would need it to help them after the winter.

After leaving them in the fridge for a few nights to make sure they all stuck together then we talked again at Together Time about the best place to put them and then we headed out to find places! We had to put them up high so that the cats couldn’t get the birds while they were eating or maybe even steal some of their food, but we also wanted to put it where people in the school (and us if we sneak out and stay quiet!) can see the birds eating. We will check back on them after the weekend and hope that the birds like them.

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