Happyhansel Early Years

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Snow Days!


We have figured out how to add photos so we hope you enjoy looking at the fun we had out in the snow. We always try and get out even if it is cold so we are glad that everyone comes well wrapped up and with hats and sometimes even gloves.

Mrs Geddes took some paintbrushes out for us to play with and we made lots of marks in the snow with them. An ‘s’ is a good letter to try and some of us spoke about how it is easy to remember because it looks like a snake which starts with the same sound. Even though some of us know the name of the letter we always speak about the sound that it makes. So an ‘S’ is ‘ssssssssss’ and not ‘ess’ and an ‘A’ is ‘ah’ and not ‘ay’.

If anyone at home wants to ask the teachers more about this then please do – we don’t do lots of worksheets and written exercises in the nursery but we do learn lots through play and talk so we need to make sure that what we learn helps us when we go into P1. Letter sounds instead of names mean that reading and writing can be a bit easier. Mrs Thomson is really good at explaining more about it to everyone when children start in her class and she will be starting to visit much more over the next few terms so all of our older children know her well before moving over to the school.

“We were making ‘S’ in the snow!”

“That’s us all together for a photo.”

“We are making snow angels! It was so cold and wet.”








Mrs Geddes made snow angels too, then we all jumped on her!


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