Tag Archives: planting

Early Years – 06.06.2022

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We had two great visits to the burn this week.  The bairns filled their buckets to see how the water splashed into the burn from up on the bridge.  This woke up the trow (troll) under the bridge which prompted us to revisit the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff when we got back to nursery.  We also had some inquisitive friends checking in from the park next to the burn.  One bairn commented “I’ve got a theory, I think the cows like us!”

Our woodwork bench is always a popular destination.  The bairns use real tools to build with wood, nails and recycled items.  We also have a message centre close by which is often used to mark make on the models created at the workbench.

On the way back from the burn, the bairns collected natural resources to add to our mud kitchen provision.  Honing their fine motor skills, the bairns cut up and used the ingredients for recipes including soup and fish & chips.

We have harvested some more items from the polycrub, including strawberries, garlic and leeks.  Be sure to check our honesty cupboard soon.  We also had a visit from Dave of the Salvation Army with a very generous donation of plants.