Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 5

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We had an outdoor Bookbug session this week, ending with our favourite number rhyme – Five Fat Peas in a Pea Pod Press.

Now that the chicks have hatched, the bairns have been looking after them by making them pictures, checking on their water & food and reading them stories.  The bairns have also held them, if they wanted.  They used gentle hands, with one on top and one underneath so the chick felt safe and their wings were covered.

We had such warm weather this week that it was the perfect time for more water play.  The bairns filled up spray bottles and imagined that their den was on fire.  They used their bottles to spray the fire and put it out.  They also sprayed the fence, using the decorative lids as targets.  When they sprayed the dry ground, they noticed how it changed colour and that the water traveled down the hill.  We moved the Chinese Writing Paper outside onto the fence and the bairns added water vertically, chasing the drips down the page.

To extend the bairns’ interest in rolling and trajectory play, we used the large tarpaulin as a slide on the steepest hill.  “This is the best day of my life!”  “I think we should do this every day!”

Our outdoor play has included taking up some old produce from the polycrub and adding it to the mud kitchen, using chalk to mark our heights on the fence, digging in the sand pit, making wild bracelets using masking tape and found items from around the garden, painting on large pieces of wallpaper. making our own bubble wands, ball games and den building.

This is a selection of the remainder of our play and learning from the week.  The bairns have continued their interest in making circuits.

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