Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 4

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We revisited our movement to music using hopping, tiptoeing and large strides.  The bairns used the benches to practice their rowing for Row Row Row Your Boat.  We had some interesting moves during Everybody Do This including the splits!  We finished off with Head Shoulders Knees and Toes which got faster with each round.

Our play and learning outside this week features obstacle courses, relaxation, muddy puddles, feeding the hens, digging in the sand, running a very busy ice cream shop and lots of ball games.

We had a visit from Childsmile to apply flouride varnish.  The bairns listened to the instructions in the quiet room and remembered that the varnish tasted like bananas.

During our visit to the polycrub this week, the bairns planted sprouted tatties, cauliflower and fed the goats.  We also saw lots of new lambs and a couple of calves.

Early literacy is enhanced through the use of text, mark making and fine motor skills development.

We have had a very exciting addition to the nursery family – 6 chicks made their way out of their shells this week.  The bairns have been marking off their countdown calendar each day.  They have drawn pictures, read stories and watched with interest to see the chicks hatching.  The chicks are now in their new home in the outdoor room where they will stay until their feathers develop before heading off to their forever home with one of our families.

Here is a selection of the remainder of the play and learning from this week.


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