Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 6

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We extended the bairns interest in sliding by adding two large cardboard boxes to the hill.  The bairns were able to slide down the hill at a much faster speed, trying out different materials to see which was the fastest.  We also planted some flowers in the our new planter made by the Primary 6 bairns.

Our preschoolers had a chance to visit their new classroom this week.  They explored the resources, took part in activities featuring the letter s and  drew a picture on the smart board just like Miss Hunter’s.

We have started the Wir Ain Peerie Bodies sessions this week with the book ‘What We Have’ which explains the similarities and differences between boys and girls’ bodies and provided the anatomically correct names for body parts.  We drew around a boy and a girl on big pieces of wallpaper and then the bairns named all the body parts.  We also watched the ‘Pantasaurus’ video from the NSPCC website which uses appropriate language to explain that what’s under your pants belongs only to you.  It also introduces how bairns can talk to a trusted adult and the difference between a good secret and a bad secret.

The chicks have been growing well this week, gaining more feathers and trying to escape!  We’ve added a net over the box.  The bairns were keen to have another chance to hold them, especially now that they are so much more fluffy.

Here is a selection of the play and learning that has taken place this week.  The bairns have been engaged in building masterpieces with blocks and the marble run, playing games, taking photos and choosing their snack on the iPad and doing yoga.

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