Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 7

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During our music session, we moved our bodies in time with the music by changing our movements related to the piano sounds, practiced for our graduation concert and finished with some relaxation music.

The library van was back again and we returned our books from last time and picked out some new titles.  The bairns chose stories and a fact book all about big cats.  The bairns stamped the date on the inside cover so that we know when they are due to go back to the library before the summer holidays.

The bairns’ interest in Up Helly Aa continues.  This week they have made a galley from an old cardboard box, using paint to decorate and added a head and tail.  They cut out shields and axes and marched around the nursery, including the garden singing the Up Helly Aa song.

We refreshed the playdough and this time the bairns added in dandelion heads and leaves.  They also picked some small yellow flowers from the broccoli in the polycrub.  Before adding the plants to the playdough, they tore them up into smaller pieces.

During our bookbug session, the bairns listened to a story called “One Goose Two Moose” about groups of geese and moose trying to line up.  They got in such a muddle with the geese in the moose line and moose in the goose line.  The bairns gathered on the stone pit lid, under the stretchy blanket for Grand Old Duke of York.

The preschoolers visited the P1/2 classroom as part of their transition.  They took part in Drawing Club.  Miss Hunter gave them three words to think about while drawing – gobbled, ignore and destroy.  The bairns drew monsters and their pictures have been added to their nursery folders.

The preschoolers partnered up with the P1 class for gym.  They headed out to the multicourt for games including Stick in the Mud and Catchy.  The bairns played ball games, passing to their Primary 1 partners.

Here is a selection of the remainder of our play and learning from the week.  The bairns have tried lots of ways to crack open a coconut!  After a few tries they decided they need to cut off all the hairs.  Then they used a brick, a hammer, scissors and eventually a screwdriver did the trick to crack it open.  They tasted the coconut water but there were not many fans.

Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 6

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We extended the bairns interest in sliding by adding two large cardboard boxes to the hill.  The bairns were able to slide down the hill at a much faster speed, trying out different materials to see which was the fastest.  We also planted some flowers in the our new planter made by the Primary 6 bairns.

Our preschoolers had a chance to visit their new classroom this week.  They explored the resources, took part in activities featuring the letter s and  drew a picture on the smart board just like Miss Hunter’s.

We have started the Wir Ain Peerie Bodies sessions this week with the book ‘What We Have’ which explains the similarities and differences between boys and girls’ bodies and provided the anatomically correct names for body parts.  We drew around a boy and a girl on big pieces of wallpaper and then the bairns named all the body parts.  We also watched the ‘Pantasaurus’ video from the NSPCC website which uses appropriate language to explain that what’s under your pants belongs only to you.  It also introduces how bairns can talk to a trusted adult and the difference between a good secret and a bad secret.

The chicks have been growing well this week, gaining more feathers and trying to escape!  We’ve added a net over the box.  The bairns were keen to have another chance to hold them, especially now that they are so much more fluffy.

Here is a selection of the play and learning that has taken place this week.  The bairns have been engaged in building masterpieces with blocks and the marble run, playing games, taking photos and choosing their snack on the iPad and doing yoga.

Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 5

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We had an outdoor Bookbug session this week, ending with our favourite number rhyme – Five Fat Peas in a Pea Pod Press.

Now that the chicks have hatched, the bairns have been looking after them by making them pictures, checking on their water & food and reading them stories.  The bairns have also held them, if they wanted.  They used gentle hands, with one on top and one underneath so the chick felt safe and their wings were covered.

We had such warm weather this week that it was the perfect time for more water play.  The bairns filled up spray bottles and imagined that their den was on fire.  They used their bottles to spray the fire and put it out.  They also sprayed the fence, using the decorative lids as targets.  When they sprayed the dry ground, they noticed how it changed colour and that the water traveled down the hill.  We moved the Chinese Writing Paper outside onto the fence and the bairns added water vertically, chasing the drips down the page.

To extend the bairns’ interest in rolling and trajectory play, we used the large tarpaulin as a slide on the steepest hill.  “This is the best day of my life!”  “I think we should do this every day!”

Our outdoor play has included taking up some old produce from the polycrub and adding it to the mud kitchen, using chalk to mark our heights on the fence, digging in the sand pit, making wild bracelets using masking tape and found items from around the garden, painting on large pieces of wallpaper. making our own bubble wands, ball games and den building.

This is a selection of the remainder of our play and learning from the week.  The bairns have continued their interest in making circuits.

Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 4

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We revisited our movement to music using hopping, tiptoeing and large strides.  The bairns used the benches to practice their rowing for Row Row Row Your Boat.  We had some interesting moves during Everybody Do This including the splits!  We finished off with Head Shoulders Knees and Toes which got faster with each round.

Our play and learning outside this week features obstacle courses, relaxation, muddy puddles, feeding the hens, digging in the sand, running a very busy ice cream shop and lots of ball games.

We had a visit from Childsmile to apply flouride varnish.  The bairns listened to the instructions in the quiet room and remembered that the varnish tasted like bananas.

During our visit to the polycrub this week, the bairns planted sprouted tatties, cauliflower and fed the goats.  We also saw lots of new lambs and a couple of calves.

Early literacy is enhanced through the use of text, mark making and fine motor skills development.

We have had a very exciting addition to the nursery family – 6 chicks made their way out of their shells this week.  The bairns have been marking off their countdown calendar each day.  They have drawn pictures, read stories and watched with interest to see the chicks hatching.  The chicks are now in their new home in the outdoor room where they will stay until their feathers develop before heading off to their forever home with one of our families.

Here is a selection of the remainder of the play and learning from this week.


Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 3

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We were delighted to welcome back Mrs Garrick for our music session this week.  We started with the welcome song, including actions.  Then we moved our bodies while listening for the changes in the music – tiptoes, large strides and hopping.  We paired up for A Sailor Went to Sea so that we could clap our hands together.  We carried this on by sitting across the benches in small groups to row our boats.  Heave, Ho! The bairns were keen to volunteer for Everybody Do This with one bairn standing at the front and everybody copying their actions.  The bairns took turns to be up at the front.  We tried out a new song for our graduation concert – it’s under wraps until June!  The bairns asked for Bananas in Pajamas and the Up Helly Aa song to finish up.  They marched around the hall and then lined up at the door while singing.

The play in the outdoor room this week has been varied and has included measure, technology and expressive arts.

The bairns have been engaged in a lot of outdoor play.  This has included cop-operative play, trajectory play and role play.  We also had a fun session at the playpark.

We’ve made another trip to the Salvation Army polycrub to plant more sprouted tatties, neeps and beetroot.  The bairns also potted on seeds including tomato plants.  The bairns had a chat with the goats who were roaming around outside.

We viewed the eggs that we are hatching in the cupboard by shining a torch through the shell to see if there was anything inside.  The bairns could see  movement and noticed an eye going past the side of the shell.

The pre-school bairns are continuing to build their confidence during transition, being supported by their buddies.

We held our bookbug session outside this week, starting off with the hello song.  We moved onto rhyming with Hickory Dickory Dock using puppets and then the bairns listened to a story called The Very Cranky Bear written by Nick Bland.  The bear was trying to get some rest but his friends thought he needed cheering up and offered him what they thought would cheer him up – a lion’s mane, a moose’s antlers and a zebra’s stripes.  Sheep saved the day by using her wool to make a pillow for the bear so that he could have a comfy sleep.

We made the most of our trip to the Folk Festival concert by starting off our adventure rock climbing at Da Sletts.  We also had snack there and then headed off for our next adventure.  We had a quick play at King Harald Street playpark and then made our way to Mareel for the concert.  The bairns waited for the musicians who came through the crowd holding a bunch of bananas!  The musicians interacted with their audience by asking questions about the instruments – highest note, lowest note and longest note.  “I loved dat concert.”