Early Years 2023-24 Term 2 Week 7

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One of our lovely neighbours donated a whole box of wooden train track pieces.  The bairns have been building different tracks all week, connecting the pieces in a variety of shapes and making good use of the space in the quiet room.

We encourage the bairns to look after their nursery by picking things up and putting them back where they belong.  We’ve seen lots of great helpers this week.  The bairns also help themselves to water during lunch by filling up the jug at the sink.  Although, it’s not always tidying – “I’m not tidying up, I’m getting ready for mums and dads coming.”

Here is a summary of the rest of our learning and development for the week.  There has been lots of interest in small world play, building and role play.

We’ve been opening our advent calendar each day by picking names out of a hat.  The bairns have been keen to see what will be in the box.

One of the bairns asked for a large piece of paper to draw around her friend.  We found a roll of wallpaper and the bairns secured it at the corners with heavy items from around nursery.  The bairns took turns laying down or drawing.  We extended this by comparing the length of the drawings and adding our names.

We have been exploring the gym equipment in the hall and the bairns have been increasing in confidence, trying more adventurous moves and climbing higher.  The rope swings have been a tricky piece of apparatus to master but the bairns have persevered and their swinging skills have developed, allowing them to swing with one or two ropes at a time.

The bairns have been engaged in lots of Christmas activities this week.  They’ve made cards and pictures, decorated a large Christmas tree with loose parts embellishments, created pin pictures and found out how to cut out Christmas jumpers on a Cricut paper-cutting machine.


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