Early Years 2023-24 Term 2 Week 6

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After our music practice, we headed through to the soft play area and the bairns used the gross motor skills for climbing, jumping and balancing.  They also explored the role play area and made models using the magnetic bars.

We headed down to the Salvation Army polycrub on the bus and when we arrived there were lots of jobs to keep us busy.  The bairns trimmed the geranium plants and repotted their cuttings to take home.  They made room for some new geranium plants and had a smell of garlic.  The bairns even found some loose parts (plant pots) to make a telephone!  They fed the chickens and visited the goats in their new home inside the second polycrub.

The bairns have been engaged in building structures using Magna-Tiles, such as houses, castles, garages and a spaceship.  They incorporate their imaginative play and have spent extended periods of time creating their own settings.

The Library Van came back for a visit and the bairns headed aboard in small groups.  Each group chose a book to take back to nursery.  In their groups, they discussed why their book should be chosen and we ended up with a great variety from Sir Scallywag and the Deadly Dragon Poo to a factual book about giant machines.

A bairn with a keen interest in ice cream wondered about how it was made.  We found a recipe on the iPad and after watching a video, we wrote out a shopping list and gathered the ingredients.  The bairns added the sugar, cream, vanilla and milk to one bag and the salt and ice to another and got to shaking.  After the ice cream had formed it was time to have a taste “yummy”, “it’s very cold”, “it’s a bit icy”.  If you fancy making your own, it only takes 6 minutes!

How To Make Ice Cream In A Bag – My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes

Here are the rest of our photos of learning and fun from this week.  The bairns have been playing lots of different games and making up their own.

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