Early Years 2023-24 Term 2 Week 5

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We were invited through to the gym hall to have a shot on the apparatus including the climbing bars, rope swings and trampoline jump.  The bairns listened to the instructions before setting off to explore all the equipment.  They climbed, jumped, took turns, assessed their own risk and had fun.  We are excited to see how their confidence has grown next week.

The bairns noticed that lots of little birds were eating our hens’ food and they thought they might need something for the winter.  We set about making some bird feeders using pinecones, wild bird seed mix, mealworms, raisins and lard to stick it all together.

This week our visit to the Salvation Army polycrub included taking geranium cuttings and planting them to take home, planting lettuce, feeding the hens with crushed egg shells and old vegetables, visiting the goats and cows and shaking off the soil from some dead plants.

The bairns have been engaged in volcano play, particularly in the sand pit.  We discussed the active volcano in Iceland and how far it was from Shetland, finding some photos on the iPad.  The bairns were keen to try a volcano experiment, sourcing the ingredients of vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, dish soap, warm water and food colouring.  After building the volcano from sand, we added the ingredients to make the volcano erupt.  While the bairns were waiting they decided to count, getting all the way to 100.

After the Halloween decorations came down, the bairns were asking about decorating for Christmas.  We got the tree down from the loft and after some discussion about how small the box was, we set it up in the quiet room.  We added the lights first and then the bairns searched the boxes of decorations to find items to make the tree look beautiful.  They placed on tinsel, baubles, nutcracker ornaments and pinned up a Santa sock.  Finally it was time to add the star.

Here’s a snapshot of the rest of our week and the learning that’s taken place.

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