Term 2 Week 7

Big Question Working Wall. Our ‘Big Question’ wall is now pretty full after a busy term 2 and there is still two weeks to go.

Just Dance Fun. With the icy cold weather, we’ve not be able to get outside for our daily mile this week. However, lots of fun has been had doing different ‘just dance’ videos in class. The pupils have had a lot of fun perfecting their moves and working as a team to complete different shape and routines within the dance. Great work P6/7!

Christmas Concert. We have not had a Big Question as such this week as we have spent a lot of time working on the Christmas Concert. We’ve been making props, adding in actions, perfecting lines and singing our hearts out. We are really excited to share it with you all next week.





Term 2 Week 6

This or That. This week there has been lots of learning about different animals with excellent hearing and how this helps them to survive / thrive. The pupils have also been finding out about COP28, climate activists or thinking about ways they can help the planet.

Christmas Concert rehearsals. Rehearsals are in full swing and the class are all working really hard at learning their lines for the play and their song lyrics. You really are in for a treat.

Big Questions – Light. This week we’ve been learning all about light for our big question. We watched a video all about light and then pupils worked in groups to create something to show their learning. We had posters, mobiles and even a ‘light box’. Excellent knowledge and creativity all round.

Writing. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the level of writing the class are producing. We’ve been working on connectives and punctuation so far this term, and they’re all doing really well. Everyone is remembering to use these creatively and accurately within their pieces of writing.

Term 2 Week 5

Big Question – Sound. This week we have been learning all about sound and how it works. We looked at examples from the animal kingdom, the differences between how sound travels in water or air and we also looked in detail at the ear and how it works. We made our own musical instruments which was a lot of fun too.

Famous Scientists and Inventors. We have all really enjoyed hearing from people about their homework research. We learned lots of information and even had some raps, quizzes and timed challenges. Well done to everyone for their excellent homework projects.

This or That. For this or that, we have been researching light in Christianity and also creating something inspired by our favourite books. Lots of creativity on show through both tasks.

Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4

Week 4

Children in Need. For Children in Need, we had fun activities throughout the day. We got to wear our pjs to school, did some mindfulness colouring and in the afternoon took part in ‘The Big Play’ whereby all the classroom were open and we could play with lots of different things and with different pupils. It was a super fun day.

Big Question – Diwali. We have been learning about the significance of light in Hinduism and in particular the ‘Festival of lights’, Diwali. We did some research into the beliefs and customs of the festival and used this to write our own reports. We also did different craft activities, making Diya lamps, Henna Hand patterns and Rangoli paintings, to understand more of how Hindu people celebrate the festival.

Week 3

Mind Your Head. This week we had two ladies from ‘Mind Your Head’ in to talk to us about how we can take care of our mental health. We looked at the things we can have in our ‘wellness toolkit’, how different situations can affect us and some mindful breathing activities. We also spoke about how important time outside and with our friends is for our mental health.

Big Questions – Water. We have continued to look at ways that we can save and re-use water and this week we worked in groups to invent our own machines that would tackle the problem. Lots of creativity and inventiveness on show.

Term 2 Week 2

Big Question – Water. This week we’ve been investigating water and the water cycle. We made posters about the water cycle and will be building on this learning next week. We also started part of our Climate Smarter work on ‘Water’ by discussing water consumption and also making ‘rainfall monitors’. We placed these around the playground with the help of P1/2 and have been monitoring the amount of rainfall throughout the week.

A Whole New World – Coco. This week one of our ‘this or that’ challenges was to make something inspired by the ‘Day of the Dead’ festival. We had some super creations and even a small play with added facts about it. Great creativity skills, initiative skills and learning about the world.

Term 2 Week 1

Big Question – RME focus. This week we’ve been looking into the significance of water in the Christian faith, particularly linked to baptism and how Christians practice this. Pupils worked independently or in groups to show their learning and we had PowerPoints, posters, quizzes and even a news report.

Times Table Ninja. We’ve started a new maths challenge this week that focusses on quick recall of our times table facts with the aim to get our ‘black belt’ and become a times table master.

STEM activity – Halloween games. We worked with P4/5 to create a Halloween themed game. Myself and Mrs Johnson were blown away by the creativity on show by every pupil and the skills that everyone used to create a great variety of Halloween games. We then had time to try out our games with another group. Excellent work P4 – 7.

Last week of Term 1

Technology in Sport & Technology in Space. This week Primary 4-7 have attended two online assemblies about different ways technology is being used within the context of sport and of space. On Monday we worked in pairs to design ‘tech sport suits’ and on Friday we designed our own robots. Excellent team work and creativity on show from everyone.

Amazing Animals. This week we have been working on Animal fact books applying our learning of the big questions we’ve covered this term to different habitats. Three of the class made fantastic ‘Polar Animals’ fact books and went to share their learning with P1/2. They spoke with confidence and were able to clearly explain about life cycles, food chains and animal adaptations to our younger learners. Well done Finlay, Oskar and Rocco!

Last day of term 1. We started the day with a game of ‘Hungry Hippos’ with Primary 4/5 and I think it’s safe to say a lot of fun was had by everyone.

A short but busy week

STEM with Emma Chittick. On Monday we had a visit from Emma Chittick where we had to create and build our own land yachts in teams of two or three. We also spoke about the importance of meta-skills especially adapting, collaborating, communicating, creativity, critical thinking and leadership skills. One other skill that was definitely important for the task was resilience as the pupils had to build and test their designs several times to get the best land yacht possible. Emma and Neve were the winners after the final test but a massive well done to everyone who took part.

Endangered Animals Presentations. It has been lovely to see all the wonderful homework projects created by the class. We practiced our presentation skills when sharing our researched information about endangered animals. Great job P6/7!

Learner Led Event. Thank you to everyone who came along to our Learner Led Event today. We hope you all enjoyed our Maths Week Scotland activities and a chance to see some of the things we’ve been up to this term.


Term 1 Week 6

Big Questions. This week our question has been all about inherited and non-inherited characteristics. We looked at this by using Mr Men and Little Miss Characters to create our own characters with inherited characteristics. The class are really proud of how the characters all turned out and how it’s clear which Mr Men and Little Miss characters have been merged.

Counting is infectious! The pupils really are enjoying daily counting activities and wanted to share some of their work on this.

This or that. This week we have been focusing on life cycles of an invertebrate and ways to stay active. Lots of creativity on show with some very original ideas on how pupils wanted to share their learning.