Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4

Week 4

Children in Need. For Children in Need, we had fun activities throughout the day. We got to wear our pjs to school, did some mindfulness colouring and in the afternoon took part in ‘The Big Play’ whereby all the classroom were open and we could play with lots of different things and with different pupils. It was a super fun day.

Big Question – Diwali. We have been learning about the significance of light in Hinduism and in particular the ‘Festival of lights’, Diwali. We did some research into the beliefs and customs of the festival and used this to write our own reports. We also did different craft activities, making Diya lamps, Henna Hand patterns and Rangoli paintings, to understand more of how Hindu people celebrate the festival.

Week 3

Mind Your Head. This week we had two ladies from ‘Mind Your Head’ in to talk to us about how we can take care of our mental health. We looked at the things we can have in our ‘wellness toolkit’, how different situations can affect us and some mindful breathing activities. We also spoke about how important time outside and with our friends is for our mental health.

Big Questions – Water. We have continued to look at ways that we can save and re-use water and this week we worked in groups to invent our own machines that would tackle the problem. Lots of creativity and inventiveness on show.

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