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Term 3 Week 1

Happy New Year!

It’s been so lovely having the pupils back and hearing all their holiday news.

Big Question. This week, we have started learning about Ancient Greece and pupils had to work in groups to research a place and monument. The whole class showed off their creativity in showing their learning as we had fortune tellers full of facts, ancient maps, scrapbooks and even some Grecian urns. Well done P6/7 for the amazing ideas!


Term 2 Week 9

Christmas Party. We had lots of fun at our Christmas party on Monday afternoon.

Christmas Big Play. On request of some pupils, we held a Christmas Big Play on Tuesday afternoon whereby we opened all the classroom doors and pupils could play anywhere. It was lots of fun 🙂

Micro:bits with P1 – 3. This week we have run workshops for P1/2 and P3 to have a go at using Micro:bits. The P6/7 pupils were excellent examples of leadership and I think we’ve some budding coders across the whole school.

Christmas Lunch. A big thank you to the canteen ladies for cooking such a delicious Christmas lunch and to the Primary 7 pupils for helping to set tables and serve the P1 – 6 pupils in the school. A festive feast indeed.

Christmas Assembly at the church.  On Friday, we went to the church for a short end of term assembly. The pupils all sang beautifully and we got to hear the story of Jesus and Christmas.




Term 2 Week 8

Christmas Concert – Straw and Order. A massive congratulations to all of P6/7 for putting on excellent performances of ‘Straw and Order’ this week. They have been working hard for a good few weeks now on learning lines, singing songs, making props and they really pulled it out of the bag on the day! It was also lovely to hear our fiddlers playing too. Well done, you are all shining stars.

Christmas Artwork. Here is a selection of some artwork that has been created in class this week. Some of our younger pupils really love the Grinch pictures and have been spotted discussing all the different drawings and using them to practice their counting skills too.

Christmas Around the World. This week, pupils worked in groups to research different countries and how they celebrate Christmas. They had to find out about food/drink, carols and songs, traditions, Santa and much more.

Term 2 Week 7

Big Question Working Wall. Our ‘Big Question’ wall is now pretty full after a busy term 2 and there is still two weeks to go.

Just Dance Fun. With the icy cold weather, we’ve not be able to get outside for our daily mile this week. However, lots of fun has been had doing different ‘just dance’ videos in class. The pupils have had a lot of fun perfecting their moves and working as a team to complete different shape and routines within the dance. Great work P6/7!

Christmas Concert. We have not had a Big Question as such this week as we have spent a lot of time working on the Christmas Concert. We’ve been making props, adding in actions, perfecting lines and singing our hearts out. We are really excited to share it with you all next week.





Term 2 Week 6

This or That. This week there has been lots of learning about different animals with excellent hearing and how this helps them to survive / thrive. The pupils have also been finding out about COP28, climate activists or thinking about ways they can help the planet.

Christmas Concert rehearsals. Rehearsals are in full swing and the class are all working really hard at learning their lines for the play and their song lyrics. You really are in for a treat.

Big Questions – Light. This week we’ve been learning all about light for our big question. We watched a video all about light and then pupils worked in groups to create something to show their learning. We had posters, mobiles and even a ‘light box’. Excellent knowledge and creativity all round.

Writing. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the level of writing the class are producing. We’ve been working on connectives and punctuation so far this term, and they’re all doing really well. Everyone is remembering to use these creatively and accurately within their pieces of writing.

Term 2 Week 5

Big Question – Sound. This week we have been learning all about sound and how it works. We looked at examples from the animal kingdom, the differences between how sound travels in water or air and we also looked in detail at the ear and how it works. We made our own musical instruments which was a lot of fun too.

Famous Scientists and Inventors. We have all really enjoyed hearing from people about their homework research. We learned lots of information and even had some raps, quizzes and timed challenges. Well done to everyone for their excellent homework projects.

This or That. For this or that, we have been researching light in Christianity and also creating something inspired by our favourite books. Lots of creativity on show through both tasks.

Term 2 Weeks 3 and 4

Week 4

Children in Need. For Children in Need, we had fun activities throughout the day. We got to wear our pjs to school, did some mindfulness colouring and in the afternoon took part in ‘The Big Play’ whereby all the classroom were open and we could play with lots of different things and with different pupils. It was a super fun day.

Big Question – Diwali. We have been learning about the significance of light in Hinduism and in particular the ‘Festival of lights’, Diwali. We did some research into the beliefs and customs of the festival and used this to write our own reports. We also did different craft activities, making Diya lamps, Henna Hand patterns and Rangoli paintings, to understand more of how Hindu people celebrate the festival.

Week 3

Mind Your Head. This week we had two ladies from ‘Mind Your Head’ in to talk to us about how we can take care of our mental health. We looked at the things we can have in our ‘wellness toolkit’, how different situations can affect us and some mindful breathing activities. We also spoke about how important time outside and with our friends is for our mental health.

Big Questions – Water. We have continued to look at ways that we can save and re-use water and this week we worked in groups to invent our own machines that would tackle the problem. Lots of creativity and inventiveness on show.