All posts by S Pottinger

Music – Stave Notation

P.4-5 have been learning about Stave Notation in music. They made themselves into human notes on the big stave sheet and used it to spell out words using the letters in the musical alphabet. They enjoyed singing the Notation song ( Learn Notation Song! – YouTube ) and got very competitive playing the ‘mat game’ where in teams they had to find the notes on the stave quicker than their opponents could. The Stave Notation Unit concluded with a short assessment which everyone was able to complete confidently and they were able to show the knowledge that they had gained over the last few weeks.

Music Term 3 and a Gold Award! 🥇

This term has been a busy one for P.4-5 in the music class; from learning the words for Auld Lang Syne to doing music which related to their class topic on water to preparing for and performing a song at the Shetland Youth Music Festival, they have excelled themselves.

The class chose to sing a song at the festival called ‘My Ship Rolls Over the Ocean’ and they sang in two groups and even added a harmony part which sounded beautiful.

The adjudicator Lynn Proctor was very impressed with the performance and awarded the class a GOLD AWARD and asked for the class to return to Mareel to perform at the Gala Concert which showcased some of the highlights from the week!

She commented on the big clear sound that the class made especially considering that there were only 15 pupils.

Have a listen to the recording below:

Congratulations and Well Done! from Mrs Pottinger 🎵

‘Connect It’ Body Percussion Project

This Term P.4-5 have been learning, perfecting and performing a Body Percussion piece called ‘CONNECT IT’ which was written by the composer Anna Meredith for the BBC 10 Pieces project.

Some of the moves were quite tricky but they performed the piece with energy and enthusiasm, well done P.4-5!

Unfortunately I was unable to upload a video of the class performance but if your child would like to perform it to you at home, then here is the link for the performance video;

CBBC – Ten Pieces, Learn the classroom version of Anna Meredith’s Connect It (part 4: recap)