All posts by Mrs Ritchie


We have had great fun trying some simple orienteering tasks in PE.  Orienteering is an activity that requires you to follow a map to navigate your way around a course in the shortest possible time.  We have learnt how to follow a map, what a key is and how to use it, keep the map orientated to the group, what a control is and how we use them, work with others and many other useful things that help us to navigate around an orienteering course.

Racket Sports

We have had a busy term so far in PE.  We have been focusing mainly on table tennis and badminton, but we did use the short tennis equipment the last week.  Our main points of technique have been how to hold the bat/racket, our feet position when playing shots and the position of the bat/racket when hitting.  We finished the block with a group activity, creating a target practice for either table tennis, badminton or tennis.  We saw some very creative ideas.



We have now moved on to a gymnastics block in PE.  We started with a week on the mats, focusing on 10 basic shapes

  • straight, tuck, star, pike, straddle, front support, back support, Y, T and L

We performed the shapes and then put them into sequences on our own and with a partner.  Here are our partner sequences.


We had such a brilliant lesson last week, I thought you might like to see what we were doing.

The main task was to create a 4 part sequence with a partner where the 4th part had to be clapping hands together.

Here are videos of our performances.  The class chose to perform in their pairs separately, showing they all had the confidence to do so.



Games in PE

We have have started the year in PE with a block of Games.  Our focus has been on ball games, covering  skills of throwing, catching, kicking and bouncing both in individual practices and in game situations.  We have also looked at skills that are required to play in games like team work, cooperation, aiming, movement, problem solving, decision making and much more.