Monthly Archives: April 2024

Term 4 Week 2

A Park, a Library and a Power Cut

On Wednesday we headed out for a class trip.  First we went to the King Harald Street Playpark and had a ball using all the play equipment, especially in the new accessibility part of the park.  Unfortunately, but quite hilariously, one of the kids had their entire, unopened packet of crisps stolen from the picnic table by a very brave scorrie! I am sure the residents of King Harald St had a good laugh at me, Kay and some of the kids chasing after it!  Next we popped in to the library to browse the books and have our snack, no disasters here.  The kids loved being able to choose a book to take home, if they wanted to.  Finally we wandered down to Mareel for our film, the reason for our trip, but alas a power cut squashed that plan so we headed to the bus to go back to school.  The kids were so well behaved throughout the trip, it was a delight to be out with them and I hope they had a good time despite the disappointment of the cancelled movie.


Term 4 Week 1

Big Question

This week we have been learning about the difference between medicine and illegal drugs.  We have learned about Sir Alexander Fleming and the contribution he made to medicine.  Finally we learned about vitamins and discussed the need, for some people, for supplements.  The children then worked together to ‘invent’ a multivitamin.


In writing this week we used the Forbidden Forest from Harry Potter to inspire both balanced arguments and haiku.  A haiku is a Japanese poem made up of 3 lines with 5-7-5 syllables respectively.  The kids did an mazing job writing their own Haiku, each even managing to include a simile effectively!

Special Visitor

We had a very special visit from Mrs Dade and baby Tommy!