Term 3 Week 10

Outdoor Play/ 31 for 31

31 for 31 replaced Golden Time, it is related to Article 31 of the United Nations Children’s Rights Charter which states that children have the right to play.  In P4/5 the children get 31 minutes of free play 3 times per week which cannot be taken away from them.  Additionally they get ‘playful’ learning opportunities throughout the week, these are different to 31 for 31 because they are tasks that are required by the teacher but the children have free choice about how to do them.

On Wednesday we headed outside for 31 for 31.  As always, it was great to see  the children of all ages playing together outside. Some P4/5 girls learned how to play hopscotch!

Big Question

This week’s big question focused on the inventions that the Romans brought to Britain.  One thing we learned about was aqueducts, these helped to artificially channel water to different areas of the country.  I am so impressed with the fantastic aqueducts that the kids created!


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