Term 3 Week 3

We started off our week in a very fun way by doing African Drumming with Joy Duncan.  I was so impressed by the amount the kids remembered about the different types of drums and rhythms.


In writing this week we continued to work on our ‘rainbow aim’ of  engaging the reader by including openers, connectives and correct punctuation. Our theme this week was Alice in Wonderland so the kids characters have met a whole host of wacky characters! This is the last adventure these characters are going on as we are creating new characters next week. when we will also be adding a new aim to our umbrella.

During our ‘Big Question’ we have been learning about the different states of water; solid, liquid and gas.  In the photos we were exploring how the molecules are in different densities in the the different states.  We also did an experiment to show how a basic water turbine works (it involved Mrs J getting quite wet so the kids thought it was extremely funny!).


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