Monthly Archives: October 2023


We had such a brilliant lesson last week, I thought you might like to see what we were doing.

The main task was to create a 4 part sequence with a partner where the 4th part had to be clapping hands together.

Here are videos of our performances.  The class chose to perform in their pairs separately, showing they all had the confidence to do so.



Term 2 Week 1

What a busy first week back!

We started our class novel, The BFG  and set up a display for all the fantastic literacy work we are going to do around the novel this term.

The kids created fantastic pumpkin artwork developing both creativity and fine motor skills.

One of the most exciting tasks of the week was a collaborative task with the P6/7 class.  The kids worked in teams to develop a Halloween themed game.  This develops such a wide variety of meta skills such as critical thinking, collaborating, adapting, communicating, initiative, curiosity about the world and creativity. During this task we were visited by childhood and play expert Greg Bottrill who was extremely impressed with the work that the children were doing.

Term 1 Week 8

It is the last day of term and we have had a fun week filled with collaborative working. Happy holidays and safe travels.

We invited parents in to visit our classroom and do some activities to celebrate maths week Scotland.

We watched P1-3’s drumming performance and it got us very excited for doing drumming ourselves in term 3.

We participated in two online assemblies celebrating technology.  The first looked at technology in sport and the second was all about technology in space.  We worked collaboratively  in pairs with a P6/7  to design a new piece of equipment for sport and then later in the week to design a robot that would help us in some way.

This morning we played real life hungry hippos with the P6/7s.  It was great fun and so funny!

‘Connect It’ Body Percussion Project

This Term P.4-5 have been learning, perfecting and performing a Body Percussion piece called ‘CONNECT IT’ which was written by the composer Anna Meredith for the BBC 10 Pieces project.

Some of the moves were quite tricky but they performed the piece with energy and enthusiasm, well done P.4-5!

Unfortunately I was unable to upload a video of the class performance but if your child would like to perform it to you at home, then here is the link for the performance video;

CBBC – Ten Pieces, Learn the classroom version of Anna Meredith’s Connect It (part 4: recap)