Scotland’s Dementia Awards provides an opportunity for professionals and communities, who are committed to enhancing the health, well being and experience of people with dementia and their families, to have their work recognised and promoted.
There were five categories of awards this year and the Shetland branch of Alzheimer Scotland was nominated for one of them – Most Innovative Partnership. The nomination came about as a result of work they have done with their own knitting group which includes linking up with the AHS Maakin and Yakkin group.
Mrs Simpson and two of AHS’ maakers were invited to attend the ceremony in Glasgow on Thursday 21 September along with members of the local Alzheimer Scotland branch. Due to last minute travel arrangements, cost was going to stop the trip from happening. However Loganair stepped in and offered the lowest possible fare. With funding from the local Alzheimer’s branch and the AHS school fund that made the trip possible.
So on Thursday 21 September, Jayden Grant and Rhannon Taylor flew down to Glasgow, accompanied by Mrs Simpson. As the girls fastened their seatbelts and prepared for take off the pilot came over the tannoy announcing that there were two VIPs aboard. He proceeded to name the girls and told passengers where they were going and why. All the passengers then gave them a round of applause! The flight landed on time and the maakers headed straight for the Marriot Hotel in Glasgow to the awards ceremony which started at 2pm.
The ceremony itself was a very moving, uplifting affair with lots of personal stories and experiences. There were mocktails and canapés and representatives of all ages from all walks of life. The award the Shetland group were nominated for was Most Innovative partnership however it was HMP Shotts who won this category for very impressive work they had done with their prisoners. Everybody agreed that they were the deserved winners and were very proud to be runners up to such a strong initiative.
After the ceremony the girls were treated to a few hours shopping in Buchanan Galleries before having their evening meal and heading back to their hotel. They flew home the next morning and were met by Mr Paul Thomason, ex-Physics teacher who is now a pilot for Logainair. It is suspected he may have had sometime to do with the tannoy on the previous day! After a quick sandwich the girls arrived back at AHS in time for their afternoon classes.
Both pupils agreed they had a brilliant time and that it had really raised their awareness of how Dementia affects people’s lives and the great work being done to improve patients lives. Mrs Simpson said she was very proud of Rhiannon and Jayden who had been great ambassadors for the school. She also added the there had been quite a lot o knitting happening on the trip – even on the plane!
The girls are now busy completing a Shetland Wool Week hat – the Bousta Beannie, in Loganair colours. They will present this to Mr Hinkles of Loganair as a thank you present sometime during Wool Week.
Mrs Simpson and the girls would like to say a huge thank you once again to Loganair, Ann Williamson and Valerie Nicolson for making this trip possible.
Well done All involved 🙂