Tak Your Sock night

Another successful Tak Your Sock was held last night in the lovely surroundings of the School Library at the Anderson High School.  Eighteen knitters got together for two super hours of knitting, with the usual variety of projects ranging from lace shawls to hot water bottle covers.   There was also a significant amount yarning and a few home bakes and cups of tea involved as well 🙂

Tonight we had a special guest from Iceland called Asta Jonsdottr who is in Shetland just now attending the Relate North Conference.  Asta got the knitters involved in adding a few rows to a project she was working on.  Asta had started using wool she bought in Iona and was now wanting Shetland knitters to add to the project using Icelandic wool of colours she thought would depict the Shetland landscape.  Soon a queue was forming with knitters keen to add a few rows in the colour of their choice.   This gave Asta a chance to have a chat with the individual knitters and take a video of their hands at work.   It was great to spend the evening with Asta, hear about Iceland and sample some Iceland chocolate.

The next Tak Your Sock night will be held sometime in February/March



2 thoughts on “Tak Your Sock night”

  1. Lovely relaxing evening – guilt-free knitting ! Good to catch up with old friends, but also meet new ones – thank you !

  2. Lovely to read about your Tak your Sock night – from the pictures it looks like you had a fun and entertaining evening! Great stuff,

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