
The “=” operator is used to find exact matches for text fields, including capitalisation:

WHERE surname = 'Johnson'

The LIKE operator can also be used to find exact matchs, but capitalisation is ignored:

WHERE surname LIKE 'johnson'

The main purpose of the LIKE operator is to allow use of wildcards, where only parts of the string pattern are specified.

SQL MS Access
matches zero, one or many characters
matches a single character


-- Match surnames that start with 'Thom'
WHERE surname LIKE 'Thom%'
-- Match surnames that end with 'son'
WHERE surname LIKE '%son'
-- Match surnames that start with 'Thom' and end with 'son'
WHERE surname LIKE 'Thom%son'
-- Match surnames contain 'is' anywhere
WHERE surname LIKE '%is%'
-- Match surnames that have 'H' as the second letter
WHERE surname LIKE '_h%'
-- Match surnames that start with ;m; and have at least three characters
WHERE surname LIKE 'm_%_%'