Higher Business Management

This course is an option for S5 and S6 pupils. The course highlights the different ways in which large organisations operate. Pupils will learn to understand and make use of business information to interpret and report on overall business performance, in a range of contexts. Using current business theory and practice, the course reflects the integrated nature of large organisations, their functions and decision making processes.

There are 2 components:

  • Question paper (90 marks)         2 hours and 45 minutes
  • Assignment (30 marks)                 8 hours

The Assignment is worth 25% of the overall mark. The Assignment is designed to be completed over a notional period of 8 hours. This includes time for research and producing the final business report. Pupils can complete their research and write-up simultaneously. Pupils must carry out the assignment on an individual basis. Research, data collection and analysis must be completed independently. The business report should be no longer than 2,000 words (excluding appendices).

Aims of the Course

  • Pupils will learn ways in which society relies on organisations and how external influences can affect them.
  • The course will show a range of methods that businesses and other organisations use to meet customer needs
  • Pupils will develop knowledge of enterprising skills and attributes
  • Pupils will be shown how to analyse and interpret business information and communicate it in a clear and concise way.


The homework is built in as part of the course structure.  A formal record is kept of all homework set.  Pupils also have regular end of unit tests they must revise for.


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