Higher Administration and IT

This course provides pupils with experience of senior administration tasks and engaging practical activities relevant to the world of work. It encourages pupils to organise their work effectively, be aware of current legislation and the importance of customer care.

There are 2 main components:

  • Question paper (50 marks)         1 hour and 30 minutes
  • Assignment (70 marks)                 2 hours

The Assignment is worth 58% of the overall mark. It is set by SQA on an annual basis and conducted in the school under a high degree of supervision, although candidates can access the internet. It is then submitted to SQA for external marking.

Aims of the Course

  •  Shows the importance of administration theory in the workplace
  • Promotes advanced digital literacy skills and how to use them to process, manage and communicate information
  • Pupils will gain knowledge on organisational and management skills in the context of organising and supporting the workplace.

Homework Policy

Homework is done continually throughout the year and is based on the theory element of the course.  Pupils are expected to complete exam style questions on each learning outcome.  Once all learning outcomes are done they will be given a set of 7 Case Studies with relevant questions.  These have to be completed by a given date and students are given flexibility to do this provided they meet the required deadline.  This enhances the pupils’ ability in tackling the relevant Command Words and improving their answer structure.

Following on from the Case Studies students will be more confident and able to complete Past Paper questions.  These will be done weekly until the final exam and will assist pupils with their skill and ability to answer questions at the required standard.

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