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Wednesday 25th May

First of all we did hand writing as usual, then we did are city we make it out of junk modelling and paper cut outs with glue on tabs and carried on after brake. After dinner we had golf, after that we did are ten questions of mental maths, Mr Hewitt took out some groups for maths, the group played a connect 4 games on the board that involved doubling numbers, they really enjoyed it. The rest of the class did language doing storeys that had less than 500 words. We read a bit of are class novel, which is getting really good, then went home.

The p1-3s read a story The Selkie Wife which is a Shetland legend about an evil sea queen who turns all the nice sea children into selkie’s with a potion and then one day a year they are aloud to go into there human skins again but one day a girls selkie skin gets left behind. A fisher man hid it and was married to the girl and then after a long while she finds the selkie skin again and she puts it on to go and play with her brothers and sisters but the same she comes out of the water and into her human skin again to see her family.

wednesday the 25th of may

First of all we did hand writing as usual, then we did are city we make it out of junk modelling and paper cut outs with glue on tabs and carried on after brake after dinner we had golf, after that we did are ten questions of mental maths, Mr Hewitt tacked out some groups for maths, the rest of the class did language doing storeys that had less than 500 words. We read a bit of are class novel then went home.

Tusday 24.5.11


In the p4-7 class we did handwriting as usual first thing then we did mental maths witch was 10 questions of different sums of adding dividing and more. Next it was breaktime for fifteen minutes.
Then it was reading to our selves, also we read the stories called Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust by someone aged 11 it was set in World War 2 and told by a mouse. Another was called Workshy Will and the Cross Eyed Machine it was written by an 8 year old it was about a teacher who hated William and wrote lies about him so he made a machine to help him get awards. We discussed the stories and said what we thought was good about them. The Plug War was another one that I did not read. Also we wrote some stories my one was about Merlin with king Arthur and the black knight it was about when king Arthur was being attacked by the black knight and he was getting some soldiers to fight with the black knight to stop them crushing Camelot
In the afternoon we did junk models of houses my one was made from paper.
First thing the little class did reading and comprehension and the spelling sheet.
They also had fruit before break time. Then they carried on with the food game. After that they did knitting they were making sheep then at the end of the day they did maths.

monday 23rd may

First of all we did weekend news where we told Mr Hewitt and the rest of he class what we did. Then we did hand writing for 15 minutes and then spelling up to break. After break we did mental maths and then moved on to maths. After maths we all did our project on rocks, which is part of our “River deep, mountain high” project we needed to take out the rocks and describe the colour smell and feeling. After dinner we did art and continued with the scraperboards. We were making mountain scene pictures. In PE we did running games and circuits.

Friday 20th May 2011

On Friday we started the day with a Friday warm up. After that we had gym with Mrs Hobbin and we had to do running exercises, some of them were easy but their was one game where you had to run around in a circle so that you knew how to turn when your running, which was quite challenging. Next we had our spelling tests and when we were doing them were reading our reading books. Then we had to do some project work on comparing a rural area and an urban area, which wasn’t that hard. After that we had golden time and finally we had our awards assembly.

Wednesday 18th May 2011

First we did handwriting for 15 minutes and class blog. Next we did some maths: The peerie apples were working out the difference of fractions, the Golden E’s did scale drawings and three figure bearings, the Randomly Royals did some work on times tables and the Eco Hippy Hippo’s did algebra. After maths we worked on our poems its great fun writing it out in a good copy and making a boarder to go around it. Then we all worked on our 5 pillers of Islam posters. For one hour, in the wind, we had to do golf and the ball was going everywhere it was great fun. Then the little class came in and joined to look at the pictures from the swam then we paired up with our buddies and wrote a small paragraph about what our favourite piece was and were we went and what we did. Whatever piece of writing was the best gets to go into the Westside news.

The primary 1-3 class made healthy eating games, they said they enjoyed that a lot. After that they did real life animation they said it was great fun the real name for it is stop-go animation they had to do it with real people they had to small jerky movements. Next they were thinking of all the things they did last term, they had done a lot of things. Then they made clay animals to go with their clay croft houses. Then they joined us, like I said before, they had fun working with us. Their favourite piece of the day was making farm animals to go with their croft houses.

Tuesday 17th May

We started off the day with Handwriting, Touch-typing and class blog. Then we did work on poems. One group did Acrostic poem, which is writing their names downwards, and writing about themselves for each letter. Then my group did poems with rhymes in it. It was very hard to find out words that rhyme. Then we did maths problem solving until we had an early dinner.
After dinner we walked down to the marina to go on the Swan. We got to go down below the boat and go in the beds it was great fun. Some people also got to steer the boat. Everyone enjoyed looking out at the good view and being at the bow of the boat. Everyone really liked the afternoon and want to go again.

P1-3 went on the swan in the morning. On the swan they got tea juice and biscuits and they got to steer the boat. Everyone helped to pull the sail up. Everyone really enjoyed it. After the swan they had a big session of play block. Some of them went on laptops some played with Lego and the others played Schools. They all enjoyed it. At the end of the day Mr K tested the class to figure out were everyone was in maths and then it was home time.

Monday17th May

On Monday we started with music, which was quite good, and we played a game called hot potato when you had to get rid of the tennis ball as quick as you could. After music we did spelling Rachel, John-frank, and me did scope, script and port words it was easy, p4s did prefix al. Then we did maths the eco hippy hippos did algebra it was hard and the peerie apples did fractions. Then we did art for art we worked with scraperboard and at the end of the day we did skipping and said rhymes at the same time for P.E.

Wednesday 12th May 2011

This morning we did handwriting and touch-typing on the mavis beacon teaches typing which has got quite hard now. Then we went on to doing work on our times tables by writing the answers on some number sheets, which was pretty hard for some people. After that we were researching ideal plants like clematis, iris, bluebells and rhubarb to put into our garden, which was pretty good. Then we had golf with Mrs Cameron and she was teaching us to chip the ball with a wedge. Next we were out in the garden pulling out all the weeds, and that was quite good. Finally we read some more of our class novel “Cool” and then went home.

First the little class did handwriting, that they found boring and then they went on to doing maths, which they didn’t like either. After that they were doing more work on their clay croft houses. Then Mrs Drakeford brought in her baby Ross and she let the people that wanted to hold him, hold him. After they had held him we had to play a game to guess what is in the nappy bag. Finally they went outside and did some work on the vegetable plot by taking out some old potatoes and also some of the weeds.

Tuesday 10th May

· We started of the day with handwriting and touch typing t wasn’t to fun. Then we did writing, we did our mystery stories. After that was maths, the Randomly Royals did two digit numbers by a one digit number, the Peerie Apples did revision on mixed number fractions which was on work sheets, the Eco Hippy Hippos did compos points, Golden E’s did scale drawings afterwards we did RME on Islam we had to get five facts about it. We finished the day looking for flowers for our bit of the garden, which was really hard then we had to decide what we wanted to keep in the garden.