Category Archives: John Muir Award

The Day in Kergord by Emma

On Thursday morning, we had to go to Kergord for an outdoor day. First Pete gave everyone some oilskins.
Next we had to go on the bus. It took a long time to get to Kergord.
Next they were finally there. We had to follow Pete threw a path because there was lots of celandine around there. Once we got to the burn we had to go across I thought that I was going to fall in .I didn’t.

Next we walked up a town .Next we had to go over a fence .Next we were finally there in the forest
We had to wait for the others. Once the others came
Pete said what it feels like when you hear the birds tweeting. I said that it was like all the birds were playing together.
Pete said follow me .So we had to take off our bags and we had to go under trees and over trees.
Next we had to go over a burn but it was too wide to across it so we went farther up the burn and Pete found a narrow bit of tree across the burn so we had to go along it I thought that I could not do it. Once I went across it. It was fun to. Next we got to a falling down tree that had slits cut out of it. We had to follow Pete along it. Next we got to a big tree Pete said you can go over the low branch or the high branch. I went over the low branch first. The next time I went over the high branch.
Next we had to walk up the hill. Then we had to walk up a hill it was very muddy some people slipped. We finally got up the hill .Pete said lie down on the ground and be quiet for 30 seconds. After that we came to a croft house it had a big plastic sheet over it and we had our diner in there. It was lunch 1. After lunch 1
Miss Irvin put us in to two groups for building huts. In my group was me, Erin, Nicol, Stephanie. Our hut was across the bridge. Our one had leafs for the floor and Erin found a flask. Stephanie fell down a howl because she was looking for sticks. Then we had to go and tell Miss Irvin that we had finished out hut.
Then we had to go for our lunch 2.Afrer lunch 2 we went to play the best game in the world. We played
5 times then Pete said that we would have to go now. Miss Irvin put us into pairs to go down the hill quietly. After we got down we went on the bus and went back to school.